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tls, fleet server, eck

·439 words·3 mins
daniel parriott
bored and boring

tangled mess

I hate having to deal with tls stuff. Trying to use a custom CA in eck has been a major pain in the foot. I realize that pain comes from my own foot-gun, but it’s painful none-the-less.

Getting my custom CA working with non-containerized services is usually bad enough, but the container layers add more complexity. Using eck on k8s adds even more.

why are certs so hard?

I’d love for there to be an easier way to add custom CA certificates to a container. Right now I have a big mess of shell script to handle it in the container definition or whatever.

        - name: agent
          - name: ca
            mountPath: /mnt/elastic-internal/elasticsearch-association/default/eck-lab/certs
            readOnly: true
          - name: waffleca
            mountPath: /mnt/elastic-internal/elasticsearch-association/default/eck-lab/certs2
            readOnly: true
          - bash
          - -c
          - |
            #!/usr/bin/env bash
            set -e
            if [[ -f /mnt/elastic-internal/elasticsearch-association/default/eck-lab/certs/ca.crt ]]; then
              cp /mnt/elastic-internal/elasticsearch-association/default/eck-lab/certs/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
              cp /mnt/elastic-internal/elasticsearch-association/default/eck-lab/certs2/wafflelab-*.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
            /usr/bin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint -e            

It’s messy, at best. And I’m not even sure it works, it gives me messages about a couple of the files having more than one certificate. But it still says 4 certificates are added. It’s very confusing. If more than 1 certificate in a file won’t work, how does Ubuntu handle cetificate chains?

Anyway, I’ve added this snippet to a number of the elastic containers in an attempt at getting them to work how I’d expect. But if I set a certificate for the fleet service I get tls errors. Not that the errors tell me what is having problems authenticating the certificate.

split fleet

I was thinking about splitting fleet up between internal-to-k8s and external-to-k8s, but I’m not sure this is possible. I’m afraid the stack might try to load balance the agents, sending them to internal or external willy-nilly without regard for my wishes.

I’m still going to try this and see what happens. If I can’t get tls to work with the k8s fleet server, I might just ditch it entirely. It’d be nice to have, but I’m obsessing over getting it work, and that’s never a fun mindset to be in.


I guess I should really setup a second elastic cluster in my k8s cluster, for testing. I had originally used it for testing, then I planned on running a test deployment and a prod deployment. Then I just needed to get something useful running to appease my brain and I stopped bothering with the test setup.

Oh well, plenty to figure out at some point. Eventually.

For now, I have apologies to make to people who interrupted me while I fixated on this stupid thing.